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andrew dupere


Ability to work part time, full time, remote or on site, committed to making an impact.


Background in writing and economics. Previous experience as a financial advisor, financial analyst and in cybersecurity sales. Current published work and writing samples available at

Anything else?

The reason I’ve decided to pursue a career in conservative politics is because I have become deeply concerned with how extreme this country and the western world has become. The cultural and political pendulum naturally swings from left to right, but the base of the pendulum has violently moved to the left. I remember when liberalism used to be about freedom of expression, civil rights and liberty and justice for all; but in the well intentioned pursuit of these values, the western world has plunged into the depths of insanity. We no longer judge a person by the content of their character over the color of their skin, but now the color of their skin provides the context for their character. Instead of being viewed as individuals, we are now the sum of racially based statistics and historical circumstance. The pursuit for social justice has been perverted into an endless and exhausting obsession with race, intersectionality, cancel-culture and identity politics. Instead of striving for a society without racism, our culture now looks to inject racism into every situation imaginable in order to virtue-signal and justify a political agenda. These concepts are often accompanied by the idea that capitalism is the culprit for every economic inefficiency and that socialism is ironically a more equitable solution to the dystopian society that we’ve created. This warped thinking has not only penetrated the democratic party, but has become foundational in our schools, universities, mainstream media outlets and social media corporations. my resume can be viewed at:

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