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Ashley Gustafson


I am a recent graduate from the University of South Dakota (major in Political Science, minors in History and English, summa cum laude, 4.0, honors), and I will be attending Cornell Law School as the only South Dakotan this fall.


Campaigning, media, graphic design, regional campaign director, research, writing, interviewing, mentoring, leading, recruitment, Word, Excel, presentation, legal experience, authoring, door knocking, phone banking, volunteer banking, organizing events, event monitoring, service, sales, assistant, student outreach, interpersonability, communication, photoshop, legislative research, legislative work, beginner Spanish, and more!

Anything else?

I have been reaching out to conservative organizations across the U.S. to gauge their interest in a partnership following my J.D. graduation and bar passage. I am a very hardworking farm gal who has been balancing work, school, and politics for years now and who has been working for as long as I can remember. I have great recommendations from conservative leaders across my state, and I am searching for a partnership that would allow me to exchange my pledged service (during or after law school) in exchange for partial or full tuition reimbursement. The quality of education combined with my rural work ethic would provide an invaluable asset to any conservative company's team; and I am open to your connections and suggestions. This being said, I wanted to reach out to you to see if this is something that you might be able to assist me in achieving. My goals are big but my resources are small. Please let me know if/where I can send additional information, resumes, recommendations, etc. to if that will help. I am also willing and able to chat with you via a phone call (605-290-8740) or email at your earliest convenience to chat more.

Willing to Relocate?

