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Avery Selz



Research and data analysis, Google Drive/spreadsheets, social media, writing and content creation, product development, upselling, and management, child and adolescent mentoring, customer assistance, strategic planning, and management

Anything else?

To whom it may concern, My name is Avery Selz, I’m a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison majoring in Political Science with a minor in Development Economics and an area studies specialization in the Middle East. As an undergraduate student interested in expanding my professional and academic experiences, I am eager to find an opportunity to do so! This summer, I worked as a Congressional Intern at the United States Senate, under Senator Ben Cardin at the Helsinki Commission. This experience provided me with first-hand accounts working within the government and an unparalleled opportunity to engage with political and military affairs, legislative research, and upkeep of trends relating to international military, economic, and human rights issues throughout the 57-country OSCE region. I was able to assist staff advisors with hearings, briefings, congressional delegations, and legislation, including note-taking, preparation of briefing books, and summarization of hearings. I am a strong communicator, detail-oriented, and driven to take on new challenges. This position will allow me to immerse myself in foreign affairs, further my communication and management skills, and continue my contribution to the international community. In addition, this will expand my versatility and knowledge, helping me to pursue a political career and allow for continued success in said fields. With distinguished energy, passion, and dedication, I will positively contribute to this program. Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to meeting you. Sincerely, Avery Selz

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