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Brendan Curry


HIi tech/aerospace


Good communicator; strong conservative; affable.

Anything else?

BRENDAN W. CURRY 9357 Chestnut Knolls Drive, Fairfax, VA 22032 571-214-0692 (M) PROFILE Policy professional with over twenty years of experience at senior levels WORK EXPERIENCE Chief of Washington Operations, The Planetary Society October 2018 – Present • Duties o Works with all space policy stakeholders in the civil, commercial and national security space communities in the furtherance of organizational goals and objectives o Develops and maintains relationships with officials in the Congress, the White House, NASA, the Department of Defense, the National Reconnaissance Office, the State Department, and Commerce Department among others including decision makers at the state and local level o Maintains and expands relationships with industry executives as well as colleagues with other like-minded space associations and nonprofits o Routinely works with international space officials from Canada, Germany, the U.K., France, Japan, and other allies o Often speaks in public forums and news media outlets Vice President, Washington Operations, Space Foundation December 2005 – August 2018 • Duties o Lead a high-profile Washington DC office, engaged with decision-makers across the executive and legislative branches of government o Liaised with executives of corporate member companies as well as various international space organizations o Routinely engaged with major national and international media outlets Senior Legislative Assistant, Office of Congressman Dave Weldon (FL-15) February 1999 – November 2005 • Member of the Congressman’s senior staff. Considered Congressman Weldon’s trusted representative to the private sector space community and to other House and Senate offices on issues related to space • Responsible for overseeing all space issues - this congressional district encompassed the “Space Coast” of Florida. This included all authorization and appropriation legislation for both NASA and Department of Defense, as well as bills related to the commercial space sector • In addition to space portfolio, responsible for transportation, telecommunications, export control modernization and a broad range of high technology issues • Drafted legislation, amendments, speeches, talking points, op-eds as well as on occasion served as press secretary PROFESSIONAL SPEAKING AND WRITING EXPERIENCE • Written testimony for CEO appearances in front of congressional hearings • Comfortable in the role of master of ceremonies for all kinds of events on Capitol Hill • Routinely asked to moderate and speak on panels discussing timely policy challenges • Has given lectures at Stanford University and George Washington University • Have written Op-Eds for principals VOLUNTEER WORK Vice President for Programming, American Astronautical Society (AAS) November 2020 – Present • Duties o Lead and coordinate speakers and panelists for AAS events throughout the year. Including but not limited to decision makers from government, industry and international space officials Board Member, Washington Space Business Roundtable (WSBR) August 2018 - Present • Duties o Engaging and working with various space companies to support funding for educational programs that inspire, attract and retain talented young people into STEM careers EDUCATION Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law • Juris Doctor, 1998 University of Scranton • Bachelor’s Degree in History, 1995 # # #

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