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Cain Bynum


Serious political news junkie, history nerd with a passion for cybersecurity.


Historical Research, Legal Research, Political Research, Chinese Language, Chinese History, History, Cybersecurity Management, Typing, OSINT, etc.

Anything else?

Hello there, so if you have seen my Resume, you are probably wondering why a shift from history to cybersecurity. Primarily, career prospects, but also the fact is that cybersecurity is incredibly interesting, just as history is also extremely interesting for me. I plan to complete my M.S. in Cybersecurity next August, then go back and finish my last three courses for my M.A. in History. I am extremely passionate about research and finding out information that is difficult or seems impossible to determine. I am an Orthodox Christian. My three most important political standings are: the 2nd Amendment (because it isn't a coincidence that after a government confiscates firearms it is followed by tyranny); neutral foreign diplomacy (less forever wars, more use of economic tools to garner influence, when necessary); and securing the border (because without a border, you cannot have a system of nation-states). Thanks for your time and may God grant you the insight to do what is best for you and yours, and Happy Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas.

Willing to Relocate?

I'm open to it.
