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Caleb Bakken


Not only do I have a degree in Political Science and Minor in History and Criminal Justice I have a Conservative social media brand that has 50-100k viewers a month


Working exceptionally hard, Perspicacity, Knowledge of the political system the history and the courts, Knowledge from inside the brainwashing collage campuses of today, The ability to do 2 peoples job better than both at the same time

Anything else?

Give me a shot I will not disappoint, my hard work combined with my ability to soak up knowledge gives me a head start even when doing something completely new. Ive always wanted to get into a job that I love and what I love is informing as many people as possible about the dangers that are posing our society at this moment, I want to be apart of the movement, the opening of the eyes of the American people to the atrocities purported by the left.

Willing to Relocate?

