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The following are highlights of my skills and accomplishments: Supervised combat engineering projects; planned, performed and taught sabotage operations; performed and taught operations in explosives, demolitions, and landmines both setting and countering; performed and taught construction activities such as bridges, electrical wiring and civil action projects; interpreted maps and charts for navigational requirements on both land and water; provided technical and tactical advice and guidance to Commanders and staff in regards to combat engineering; and planned and trained personnel and allies on offensive and defensive engineering operations. Authored two books: Confederate Black Ops- A historical book on clandestine operations during the American Civil War; and Inducted into The Library of Congress in 2016. The Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN): 2016945464. The second publication: Aggie Jokes: From When You Were A Kid And Modern Ones Too- Published November 2021, and all profits collected from sales currently fund a $20,000 endowment for the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M University – College Station. Supervised and instructed all members of the Army's Special Forces; oversaw the training and preparation for various Special Forces operations; performed joint, interagency, multi-national, combined and coalition planning; employed conventional and unconventional warfare tactics during peacetime, crisis, or war; supervised operations for higher headquarters, major commands, and joint commands. Instructed 3,500 US Special Forces Students, to include students from the following nations: Korea, Mexico, Lithuania, Iraq, Germany, Romania, Italy, Norway, Greece, and The Former Republic of Georgia. Instructed over 5,616 hours in four years as an instructor teaching in the classroom and field environments, developing programs of instruction, and lesson plans.

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