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Chris O'Brien


Pro-Life Issues


Networking Communication and writing Policy detail Journalistic article writing with a balanced view

Anything else?

I have over twenty years of campaign, professional and volunteer experience focusing on: - Communications - Field Operations and connections - a variety of smaller tasks including scheduling, election administration, research, and special projects I believe in gaining the trust of voters through honest education about their would-be elected leaders. I value communication, which led me to start a website called, profiling candidates in Wisconsin's 2022 election and Republican primary. I’ve also published an online news site, was a local reporter, started online professional discussion groups, and have given interviews to broadcast and print media about abortion and other complex subjects. Every voter and leader we meet wants to feel included. I am a natural connector, and my attention to detail has allowed me to create quality research, organize press briefings with background packets for journalists, managed the schedule for a Connecticut gubernatorial candidate, and created copy and direct mail campaigns. I’ve also observed an absentee ballot tracking operation. My formal education with a Law and Society degree is partly what drew me to this race. Its been useful in my career as a paramedic, police officer and Executive Director for a pro-life organization. I excel at boiling complex subjects down to the relevancy a lay person knows to make important decisions, including which candidate to choose on election day. Winning close elections requires finding new audiences with cross over appeal. Let’s separate ourselves from the red/blue divide and paint ourselves as a trusted white referee unifying the two political sides with the patriotism needed to preserve our uniquely American Constitutional democracy. Additionally, we must overcome the liberal base that’s been energized following the Dobbs decision. The average voter doesn’t understand Roe v. Wade, but recent commercials appealing to their emotions must be overcome by real facts about the compassion conservatives have for the average voter we meet each and every day. I look forward to talking more, and hope you’ll consider my entire resume as a fit working on communications, field coordination, assisting with scheduling, the press, or any other need. Chris O’Brien 203-558-5817

Willing to Relocate?

I'm open to it.
