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Connor Henson


I've gotten the opportunity to work on both sides of Congress. Getting district experience in both the House and Senate gives me a unique perspective most entry-level individuals don't have. I am also dedicated to moving to D.C. after graduation in May.


1. Organization, 2. Interpersonal Communication, 3. Constiuent interaction, 3. Case management, 4. Public Speaking, 5. Leadership, 6. Phone call experience.

Anything else?

I am a senior Political Science major with a minor in Legal Studies at the University of Arkansas graduating at the end of May 2023. I am dedicated to making the transition to D.C. and am looking for work opportunities that align with my beliefs. I personally have an expanded interest in Education policy, represented through the bill I helped author with my State Representative for the Arkansas House. Sadly it failed in committee, but at the heart of the bill was student choice. The GOP ideals regarding providing students and parents the choice in what their child is learning and experiencing is essential to how I believe this nation will grow in the best possible ways. I look forward to hearing from all potential employers and getting to meet the great minds that run our nation!

Willing to Relocate?

