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Emmaline Arndt


Technologically adept, offering experience with many different social media platforms, office technology programs, and advanced computer skills. Bringing forth a positive attitude and the willingness and motivation to learn new programs


Digital Marketing, Social Media, Facebook Advertising, Copywriting, Leadership, Microsoft Office, Content Creation, Canva.

Anything else?

Before arriving at college in 2016, I had no idea what political party I was a part of. 2016 would be the first election in which I was able to vote in. Because of this, I decided to research and study both sides of the aisle. After watching numerous debates, and learning about both parties, I realized that my values and beliefs aligned with the Republican Party. From that moment on, I developed a deep passion for politics. I fell in love with grassroots campaigning and encouraging other college students to become involved in politics. I transferred from Coastal Carolina University after my freshman year to East Carolina University and declared as a political science major. I began to work closely with on-campus political groups and quickly developed a relationship with my local GOP. In 2019 I decided to re-establish the College Republicans at East Carolina. I was elected Chairwoman and from there I began leading a charge on campus to be the voice for conservative students. I began working as a political consultant and focusing my efforts on campaigning and marketing. In 2020, I became a field organizer for the North Carolina GOP and oversaw the development of 3 counties in eastern North Carolina for the presidential election. In December 2020, I graduated from East Carolina University with a BS in Political Science and a minor in history. After taking a semester to think about my future, I decided to go back to school to focus on my passion for digital marketing. I enrolled at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington in July 2021. While completing my Master's degree, I continued to work as a political consultant in Pitt County, North Carolina. In July 2022 I graduated with an MA in Integrated marketing and communication, obtaining a 4.0 GPA. My passion for politics is still alive and thriving. I look forward to bringing my enthusiasm, leadership, and knowledge to a conservative organization.

Willing to Relocate?

Not at the moment.
