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Evan DeYoung


A data nerd who is comfortable with all elements of the analytics lifecycle – writing the SQL necessarily to build the dataset, creating effective visualizations from the data, and presenting the key findings and takeaways to a wide range of audiences.


Tableau, SQL, Excel for most of my work experience. But I am currently training in Python and ArcGIS

Anything else?

I bring 8 years of data and analytics experience from the private sector, and am looking to jump into the political realm for the 2022 cycle. My experience has spanned several industries (healthcare, solar, financial, automotive) but my roles have always been data-centric. I have heavy SQL experience across a range of databases, including MSSQL, Oracle, Google BigQuery, and Teradata. On the data visualization side, I have been using Tableau consistently throughout my career, and PowerBI in the earlier years. I am currently taking a Python course to build my skillset in predictive modeling and machine learning, but have not yet had work experience in this area. Lastly I recently took a GIS fundamentals course to learn the basics around more advanced map making. In addition to the technical skills, I have plenty of experience summarizing data and communicating the findings to everyone from senior executives to sales agents. I am skilled at balancing multiple work streams at once and communicating the status of each on a regular basis. Although I don’t have prior experience with political data, I unfortunately spend enough time on Twitter that I am plenty up to date on current political news and happenings. Even though I’m an outsider, I can hold my own with insider talk – for instance, I’m well aware that John Kasich’s father was a mailman. I am based in the Phoenix area and not looking to relocate to DC at this time, so I am seeking remote first roles unless the position was based in AZ.

Willing to Relocate?
