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Hayley Wade



Copywriting, editing, public relations, public affairs, policy analysis, team management

Anything else?

Hayley is an experienced Congressional Staffer with an extensive background in public service. She spent the entirety of the 116th Congress serving on the staff of Congresswoman Kay Granger, the ranking member of the Appropriations Committee and the most senior Republican woman in Congress. While on staff, Hayley handled all constituent correspondence as well as monitored and advised on legislation and orchestrated communication products. She worked through appropriations cycles, two impeachments, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the longest government shutdown in the nation’s history. Hayley received her Bachelor of Art in Political Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara. After years in Washington D.C., Hayley is now based out of San Diego, California—where she looks forward to the day Republicans regain control of the state.

Willing to Relocate?

Not at the moment.
