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Isaac Bock


I am recent graduate of Patrick Henry College looking for a position that will give me exposure to law and public policy for a few years in between undergrad and law school. See notes.


Research, writing, and administration

Anything else?

To whomever it may concern, I am looking for a position that will allow me to pursue my passion for law and desire to help find conservative solutions to America’s most pressing issues. In December of this year, I graduated Patrick Henry College with a degree in American Politics and Policy. Throughout my college career, the opportunities I have enjoyed most were those that gave me a window into the law and public policy. Over the last two years, I have conducted legal research, drafted memos, coordinated events, prepared digital presentations, reviewed citations, and maintained databases for lawyers at Kroger Gardis & Regas, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Meese Center for Legal and judicial Studies at the Heritage Foundation. These opportunities allowed me to interact directly with scholars, politicians, lobbyists, and lawyers where I saw how their important work contributed to the conservative movement. Through my coursework and professional experience, I have developed the researching, analytical thinking, and writing skills necessary for a position in law or public policy. For the last three years, I have competed as part of PHC’s top nationally ranked moot court program, placing first in oral advocacy and third in brief writing at the AMCA National Championship. As part of the AEI 2021-2022 Young Scholars Program, I wrote a paper with Adam White, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and professor at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University, on the procedural due process protections accorded to arriving immigrants are America’s borders. These experiences have greatly deepened my understanding of law and politics. As a Christian, I firmly believe that my role in the public square is always to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. The core tenets of my faith obligate me to be an advocate for truth. As I look for a job that will allow me to live out my faith and equip me for law school, I hope to work for an organization that seeks to advance these same values. I am happy to discuss further at your convenience. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Isaac Bock

Willing to Relocate?

