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John Baldridge


I was the only conservative at art school where I proudly earned the nickname of "Ronald Regan"


Design + Code Adobe CC, XD, HTML 5, CSS, Figma, Miro, After Effects, Sketch, Figma, Design, Research, Usability Testing, Wireframes, Storyboards, Human-Centered Design, Ethnographic Interviews, HCI, Contextual Inquiry, Interaction Design, Design Systems Business + Marketing Design Program Management, Mentoring, Project Management (200K+ budget), Media Relations (NYT, Wired, Buzz Feed, The Wall Street Journal, FastCompany), and Market Research & Analytics

Anything else?

Hi, my name is John. I’m originally from New York but now call Pittsburgh home. For over 10 years I have had the pleasure of working with some of the smartest folks in business, technology, government, and academia. I’m looking to use my education, experience, diverse background, and skill-set to tackle new challenges, help fight back, and hopefully help make the world a little better along the way. Let's talk.

Willing to Relocate?

I'm open to it.
