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Leo Grachev


A seasoned and politically-savvy content curator and a veteran of PR/Media, with expertise in creating and supervising engaging editorial content and consultation on media purposed for a variety of audiences


Content curation (for conservative/lobbying purposes), communications, campaign management, policy research, editorial supervision and building interpersonal relationships

Anything else?

With almost two years of experience in content curation and communications, I have gone from interning at one of New Zealand's largest political parties, to not only founding my own media company, but also being able to dedicate my skills and expertise in my role as a Media & Communications Consultant with Lobby New Zealand. My youth proves deceiving and personally, I view it as an advantage in our ever-changing political landscape. It is what has allowed me to maintain interpersonal relationships with clients and build rapport, in addition to taking a fresh approach. While I am versed in New Zealand's political landscape, my passion is for U.S politics and I am determined to prove myself and take my experience abroad, where I believe I identify closer to such causes (not to mention, I am flexible in regards to working remotely). I believe my experience in creating and supervising engaging editorial content and providing consultation on media purposed for a variety of audiences - in addition to being determined - would make me an ideal candidate and I would have a great deal to offer.

Willing to Relocate?

I'm open to it.
