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Madison Gardner


I have experience in both upper level field and digital work for campagins with some experience in research, policy, and advance.


Office management, data management, remote work, field organizing, email fundraising, basic graphic design, volunteer management, intern management, campaign planning, contact management, account management, donor outreach, donor research, policy research, event building, event planning, employee management, goal setting, public speaking, organization, training, program building

Anything else?

I hope this letter finds you well. Though my resume may shock you, as it is decorated with Democratic Party experience, I hope this letter with help you better understand why I have decided to leave the Democratic Party and pursue work with the GOP. As a former member of the Democratic Party, I always admired its commitment to social justice, inclusivity, and equal opportunity for all. I believe that these principles are crucial in building a strong and prosperous nation. However, over time, I began to question whether the policies and approaches advocated by the Democratic Party were the most effective means to achieve these goals. One of the primary reasons for my transition is my belief in limited government and individual liberty. Especially during the pandemic, the Democratic Party demonstrated extreme government overreach in the lives of American citizens which I could not agree with. I have come to appreciate the importance of personal responsibility in every facet of life, and I firmly believe that reducing government intervention and empowering individuals and businesses to thrive will lead to greater prosperity and upward mobility for all Americans. Moreover, I have become increasingly concerned about the growing polarization and divisiveness in our society. The Democratic Party's shift towards more and more extreme progressive policies - bordering socialism - and the focus solely on identity politics often appeared to exacerbate these divisions rather than foster unity and constructive dialogue. I believe that the Republican Party, with its emphasis on individual freedoms, personal accountability, and a united vision for the nation, offers a more inclusive and cohesive platform. Another critical factor that influenced my decision was the importance I place on safeguarding constitutional rights and preserving traditional values. The Republican Party's commitment to upholding the Constitution, protecting the Second Amendment, and ensuring the sanctity of life resonates deeply with my belief in preserving the foundations upon which our great nation was built. I come from a family of hunters, sportsmen, and military backgrounds who are all avid 2A supporters, myself included. Possibly the largest reason for my transition is the abortion issue. Even during my time as a Democrat, I was an outspoken Pro-Life advocate, which often saw me rejected from jobs and ousted from groups of the "tolerant left". I come from a conservative Christian upbringing and I could not ever bring myself to turn my back on that, even when I was deepest in my politics. It was also the main reason I couldn't support Joe Biden - or the party - any longer. While my transition from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party may seem like a drastic change, I assure you that it was not taken lightly. I have engaged in extensive research, sought diverse perspectives, and engaged in thoughtful conversations with individuals across the political spectrum. Ultimately, I have come to the realization that the principles and values championed by the Republican Party align more closely with my personal convictions, though it did take me coming through the other side to finally see that. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the GOP's mission and work towards a brighter future for our country. I am confident that my campaign experiences, critical thinking skills, and dedication to creating positive change will enable me to make valuable contributions to the party. Sincerely, Madison Gardner

Willing to Relocate?

Not at the moment.
