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Mark Gerhardt


I am a graphic designer with over 15 years of experience working for large corporations and small family owned businesses. In this time I have worked on both print and digital design projects.


Graphic Design, InDesign, Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Creative Suite, WordPress, MacOS

Anything else?

As a part time lay pastor and a full-time graphic designer, the opportunity to combine my career with my values is something I have been looking for. With over 15 years of experience as a graphic designer I know that my skill set will be an asset to you. During my current role at Cactus Mailing Company, I have been responsible for designing for both print and digital campaigns for several different clients across the country. One specific example of this involved working with a plumbing contractor in Virginia to design a coordinated Smart Marketing campaign. We started with a design survey that the client filled out with their information and offers. Utilizing this information along with looking at their website's branding I designed a direct mail postcard and a Google display ad campaign that targeted their service area. The overall campaign was a success as they received several new leads both in the form of phone calls and website form submissions. While my skill set and work history both make me a strong candidate for any graphic design position. What I believe sets me apart is my willingness to do whatever is needed to achieve the success of my employer. In my previous positions I have worked early and late hours including time spent at home to learn new technologies and skills to be able to build and maintain websites and achieve Google Display certifications. All of this was so that I could both better myself and offer more value to my position. I would bring that same dedication and desire to learn and grow to my new position

Willing to Relocate?

Not at the moment.
