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Michael Thomas Soberick, Jr.


I am a conservative defense attorney, which is a rare thing. I am a litigation attorney and in court almost every day. I know the intimate details of the laws that are written and how they are actually put into effect on the street.


Litigation Attorney Virginia State Bar License

Anything else?

God has placed me in a defense position my entire career. I have been doing court appointed (public defender) defense work since day one of having an active bar license. The time I took off from that work I spent defending car accidents for Progressive Insurance. I loved working for Progressive, until they forced woke policies on us, pushed all their staff to work from home, and showed their true corporate culture colors. I am now back to criminal defense. Part of why I stay is that I work with my father and have strong family values. It also supports my wife and kids. However, I go to court and am witnessing the enacts of liberal crime policy. I know that criminal justice is getting weak and crime is rampant from first hand experience. My professional obligation is to utilize that for my clients, but my heart and humanity cannot help but notice that the country is going in the wrong direction. I want to help. I am an intellectual and analytical. I also have on the ground experience of how criminal law is played out in a court room, not just on paper. Criminal laws are often poorly drafted and have no teeth. I want to help a think tank, conservative representative or other policy maker write laws that are effective and meaningful in deterring crime. This country is on a precipice and I think this is how I can help. I want to wake up and go to a job that makes a difference. I want to Make America Great Again, and this is where I fit into Trump's dream.

Willing to Relocate?

Not at the moment.
