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Noah Montgomery


Digital data


Excel, Google Sheets, Looker, Datorama, Visual Studio Code, Salesforce, WebFlow, GitHub, etc.

Anything else?

Skills Include: - Working extensively with spreadsheets including V-Lookups, Pivot Tables, deduplicating records, and general QA work - Using SQL via Looker to pull summary reports and look for patterns and trends - Basic courses in SQL, HTML, CSS, Python, and Javascript via Codecademy - Working with Visual Studio Code and Github to edit a website from a template in raw code to include a twitter feed, scrollable rows, a side column, and more. - Learning and analyzing basic features and usability of various CRMs, email service providers, texting providers, and more - Using Salesforce and Datorama for analyzing, tracking, and reporting information. Additional experience learning and navigating Salesforce features in Trailhead. - Extensive research into current digital practices and trends among state parties and organizations both on the left and right.

Willing to Relocate?
