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Pierce Willans



β€’ Strong Verbal and Written Communication skills β€’ MS Office Suite (Excel, Word, etc) β€’ Google Docs Suite β€’ SEO Strategy Development β€’ Keyword Research β€’ On-page SEO β€’ Off-page SEO β€’ Technical SEO β€’ Link Building β€’ Backlink Strategy β€’ Google Analytics β€’ Google Search Console β€’ SEO Audits β€’ Ahrefs β€’ SEMRush β€’ Content Optimization β€’ SEO Copywriting β€’ HTML/CSS β€’ WordPress Optimization β€’ Google Looker Studio β€’ Data Analysis β€’ Reporting β€’ Content Marketing β€’ User Engagement Analysis β€’ Conversion Rate Optimization β€’ Figma β€’ Hotjar

Anything else?

Hello, I am a 32 year-old digital marketing professional residing in Austin, Texas. I am looking for ways to bring my skills to bear in helping Republicans get elected and conservative policies get enacted. I would especially like to work on a campaign this cycle in or around Travis County (can be flexible on this but I am not able to relocate at this time). Regarding my political experience, you will see on my resume I started my political life as a Democrat. Like many, I have gone through a period where I re-evaluated my beliefs, and am now a firm and staunch Republican. I am an enthusiastic and loyal supporter of President Trump, and would love to somehow contribute to his campaign. In my most recent campaign (2018 -- life got in the way for a while), I was a Field Operative for Kris Kobach, a close Trump ally. I loved that experience and consider it one of the most thrilling of my life, and would love to get back to doing work I find truly meaningful. Now, that's what I am after -- but why should you hire me? Well, I am currently four years in to my digital marketing career (like many millennials, I have had to change careers a couple times). I have learned a tremendous amount about the field in that time, such as: - Keyword Research - Writing Compelling Content - Email Campaigns - Data Analysis and much more. I would love to bring to bear what I have learned toward the goal of electing more Republicans to local, state, and federal offices. I am ready to work hard and start at the bottom if necessary - paying your dues is important, especially in politics. If you are interested in seeing how I may fit into a certain role, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your time.

Willing to Relocate?

