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Samantha Bonsack


Great attention to detail, effective communicator, analytical, and a great sense of humor.


I am great at spotting a problem and work effectively to correct that problem. I am a big communicator! I am very charismatic and I don't shy away from talking to people as well as listening to what people have to say. I am very analytical, maybe sometimes to a fault but I like to get to the root cause of problems or situations to better execute a plan of action. And finally, I like to be optimistic and can usually find the silver lining to most situations.

Anything else?

I am a jack of trades just about! I love doing it all but admittedly I am great at root cause analysis, research, and writing. I am not afraid to take a leadership role if no one steps up to do so. I thrive on challenges and look for ways to be a blessing and not a curse. I am a very quick learner and pretty smart (if I do say so myself) but I know there are always things I can learn and people to learn from. I am very organized and have managed programs from my military experience to political experience and have created systems of functionality as well as office policies. I am a "social butterfly" and make great personal connections with people I meet. I also know how crucial it is to effectively listen to people and to understand their perspective on life that may help build a working relationship and grow my perspective on issues and situations. I am a very nice person but very strong. Foreign policy is my obsession and my strength but I also follow and care about domestic policies as well. I have a great sense of humor that can be dry at times and I'm not easily offended (military toughened me up) and will rib right back. I take my job and responsibilities seriously and view my work as a reflection of my character. Often times I will work late until the job is done and done right.

Willing to Relocate?
