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Samantha Janney


Proven editorial professional with expertise in managing online publications, deep knowledge of web copywriting, and writing exceptional headlines plus a decades-long background in marketing, public relations, and communications.


Writing | Editing | Marketing | Public Relations | Social Media | Corporate Communications

Anything else?

To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my interest in joining your team; my resume and writing examples are enclosed for your consideration. With over 25 years of experience in communications, marketing, editing, brand development and management, social media, and public relations, my resume reflects a versatile scope of working with global companies in the private sector as well as government agencies and policymakers. My goal is to transition my enthusiasm and experience to a position where I can continue to provide strategic leadership critical to building lasting relationships and creating strong community connections. As such, I would very much welcome an opportunity to speak with you to evaluate your needs and share my ideas. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Samantha Janney

Willing to Relocate?

I'm open to it.
