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Stephanie Stoutamire


I'm a lifelong conservative but have a passion for environmentalism. I have a BS in Biology ( marine, animal science) and a MS in Forestry and Natural Resource Policy. The focus of grad school was studying group behavior, communitcation, and conflicts.


Cultural Domain Analysis Interviewing Research Writing Creating Outreach, Presentations, Reports Microsoft, Adobe, Canva, Excel, Zoom, Teams Leadership Management Extensive Knowledge about natural resource management, sustainability, agriculture, wildlife Techniques from sociological theories which help direct messaging to gain desired result Conflict Mediation Consensus Building

Anything else?

This letter is to express my sincere interest in helping Republicans to win elections. I am right for this because I have the heart, mind, and gumption to get Conservative candidates and organizations what they want. I was raised to do the right thing, no matter the difficulty, so I cannot sit back and witness the attack on American culture and land. As an observant, smart, intuitive, creative, and critical thinker with a strong science background in addition to a broad knowledge base about many industries. This range of information can be utilized to compose relevant and accurate messaging for a variety of topics. During my time as a graduate student, I extensively researched the social sciences and how they relate to communication, group-think/group-formation, decision making, conflict mediation, and behaviors. In addition, I also spent many hours studying sustainable agriculture, climate issues, wildlife management, and forestry. I am a proud, outspoken Conservative that passionately cares for the environment and all living things. In the pursuit of my passions, I have always been the minority Republican in the room; this has given me extensive knowledge about how Democrats think, feel, and act. With the arsenal of tools gleaned from decades of social science research and my unique insight into our political parties, I am ready to design campaigns, write scripts, and create materials that will win Conservative votes. There are not many people that possess my unique skill set, knowledge base, background, and tenacity. Working on campaigns is a career switch for me. From 2011-2021, prior to attending graduate school, I was a full-time veterinary technician (nurse). As a medical professional, I had to master working efficiently without sacrificing quality of care, and while maintaining accurate and detailed medical notes. My decisiveness, smart work ethic, organization, extreme efficiency, and kindness steered me into leadership roles, but I would never be above my team. Leadership is a quality I possess, but really, I am nothing more than a great teammate. I recognize strengths and know how to lift people so they can see them too. In 2019, I was chosen by my more experienced peers to be our Team Lead. For two years, I coordinated our workload with the strengths of our five members so that we were able to complete more procedures and see more patients in less time. We are The People that created the foundation that the Left currently stands on to wave their Green Flag, yet all they do is destroy it with unnecessary policies. I can help us change the narrative. The Left’s social narrative is crumbling, their only leg to stand on is their false claims of being Pro-environment. Well, I am here to help Republicans reclaim their role of being The Original Conservationists. Thank you for your time in evaluating my application. Currently, I am living in Tallahassee, FL (Go, Ron!), but am open to relocation. Thanks, Stephanie Stoutamire

Willing to Relocate?
