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Tony Baratta


Broadcast Television & Digital Social Media


Field Producer, Executive Producer, Post Production video & sound editor, Liason between Studios Executives and Television Network, National Podcast with such names as (Wayne Allen Root), Digital Social Media and App Development / Programming & Administration, National Television Broadcast - TBN Network / TCT Network / SkyAngel Network and Pay-Per-View, Member of the Producers Guild

Anything else?

My name is Tony Baratta. I am an Italian American and have enjoyed growing up in a free county. I have enjoyed the successes afforded me by the freedom to worship, gain education and raising a beautiful family. My passion for conservative and balanced views has been fueled by our recent failure in maintaining our Constitutional rights. We have watched our elections stolen and “law fare” fast becoming the norm. I am concerned for my children and grandchildren and wish to use my skills and talents as a (pga) Producer to assist the Republican Party in maintaining our freedoms and returning back to a balanced and fair judicial system which will not happen under our current administration or any that follow if we fail to intervene. I have talent and insight to assist in producing which will enable a message of hope and urgency. Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon.

Willing to Relocate?

